Taliban and Far Right Fundamentalism: It’s hard to tell them apart

Some Interesting headlines and a phone call “The US far-right has a curious affinity for the Taliban,” The Washington Post in Today’s Worldview. Why curious? The far-right and Taliban both have an affinity for creating a world view based on their religious beliefs. The Taliban are accused of insisting their idea of Islamic fundamentalism be enforced. No more schools for girls beyond grade six. Women can’t be out of the home without a male escort. Unapproved, if not most, music is forbidden. In Texas, Christian fundamentalists influenced the state government to now effectively deny access to safe abortions. In another… Keep reading“Taliban and Far Right Fundamentalism: It’s hard to tell them apart”

Turning Point: A Guide to the Future, a short story by Chuck Waldron

Adam Browning looked at the letter, carefully folded it, sliding it into the envelope. As director of Turning Point: Your Guide to the Future, he personally selected each candidate. He smiled, immensely pleased with this choice. Adam was a throw-back to an age of civil discourse in business and pleasure. He poured a dollop of melted wax on the edge of the flap and made an imprint with the company logo. “A nice touch, don’t you think,” he said, smiling to his associate, Remy. ~  ~  ~  ~  ~ Jules stormed into her building like a category five hurricane. Walking… Keep reading“Turning Point: A Guide to the Future, a short story by Chuck Waldron”